Stop being worried about your business, and become a warrior in your business.

Download this FREE marketing workbook to make your small business thrive with a strong marketing strategy.

SEO, Social Media and Sales Funnels all need to be part of your strategy to grow your business. This workbook includes 12 pages of resources that you can put in place in your business now.

Sales Funnels

A sales funnel describes how someone goes from unaware of a service or product to a customer. This preview will go over the strategies you can use to get people into a sales funnel and then groom them into becoming high value narrow end of the funnel customers.

Defining your funnel

Itโ€™s important to define all of the stages of progress in the sales funnel. There should be documentation on how someone enters through the wide end of the sales funnel and what stages are taken that moves a person to the narrow end of the funnel.

An example

Letโ€™s create a sales funnel for a house cleaning business called Cleaning Co. The owner of Cleaning Co. has been cleaning houses for a few months and has been getting clients through her facebook page. She decides to create a dedicated facebook page and website for Cleaning

The sales funnel for Cleaning Co. looks like this: She posts before and after photos of her work on facebook, as well as quick tips for
homeowners to clean difficult parts of their house.

At the end of each post she links to a web page that offers a FREE PDF Download called Emergency Cleaning Tips for Busy Parents. The webpage takes the person's name and email address in exchange for the PDF. Now a series of emails containing more valuable content for
that person will be sent over the next few weeks. After having a few weeks worth of content, she promotes her highest performing posts into paid ads to get even more traffic to her website. Some of the people that enter this email list will eventually hire Cleaning Co. to clean their home or business.

After Cleaning Co. has cleaned some of these peoples home or business a few times, they can be put on a consistent cleaning plan, leading to consistent revenue for Cleaning Co. This sales funnel clearly outlines how people enter the sales funnel, move on to the next stage
of the funnel, and eventually move on to becoming a recurring customerโ€“โ€“the most valuable stage of this funnel

Ready to get your business ahead of the others? 

Download the Free Marketing Strategy Playbook now to get your business to the next level
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Katarina โ€“ Fox and Fawn Books

The Infacto Digital Team was a pleasure to work with! I thought I was hyped about my work but these guys are the ultimate hype team. I could not have felt anymore encouraged and ready to take action then when I walked away from our meeting! I highly recommend working with them.

Amanda & Chad โ€“ White Lotus Gaming

We were really struggling with how to approach social media, email marketing, etc.. Working with Infacto Digital helped us come up with a much better plan.

Marketing is overwhelming for both of us, so any time we have a marketing question, we go to Infacto Digital for answers.


Unlock the strategy you can use to grow your business.

This is the exact playbook we take our marketing and web development clients through.

Fill out this form if you want to:

  • Grow your small business ๐Ÿ“ˆ
  • Get more customers from your website ๐Ÿ’ฐ
  • Use social media in a way that attracts customers ๐Ÿ‘
  • Appear at the top of google searches ๐Ÿ”Ž
  • Prove your value to people so that the sales process is easier โœ๏ธ


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